Week Preview for 11/30/20

🔷 We have a couple more Level Method testing days this week!  If for any reason you’re not ready to test something, our coaches will help make a workout that is appropriate for you to improve for next time.  As always, come in and we’ll get you moving.

🔷 Christmas Party is on for this Saturday, December 5th starting at 6pm.  We’ll keep it at our facility this year and are having it catered. Tickets will be just $15/person.  I’ll post more in the FB group and will email out details as well.

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Coach Taylor was working through Pull Ups on a version of Fran here!




Starting the day off with Push Jerk triples for strength work then hitting a spicy little couplet of Power Cleans and Lateral Bar Hops.



Testing Day!  We’re doing Front Squat and Lactic Tolerance.  If you missed the Upper Body Pull test recently then you can make that up as well.



Longer Interval Workout with 400m Runs, Box Jump Overs, and Push Ups.  You’re going to want this after the first two days of the week.  You can choose your pace on this one for how you’re feeling.



Testing Day!  Neurological & Core as well as the Kettlebell Test.



Bench Day (whoop whoop) then a grinder of an AMPAP of Wall Balls and Med Ball Runs.



Partner WOD with Power Snatches and Cal Rows.  Splitting reps on a descending ladder.

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