Week Preview for 12/2/19


🔷 CFBR 🎅 Christmas Party 🎉 on Saturday, December 7th.  6pm at The Bulldog.  RSVP to Dwayne if you hadn’t.  Info in FB group and your email. 

🔷 Winter gear is available in the online apparel store!  Go check it out here:  http://crossfitbr.mdiapparel.com

IMG 2984
A-Rod working on some push jerks in class


MON: Finding a heavy(ish) set of 5 on Deadlifts then a good looking AMRAP of Wall Balls and 200m Runs.

TUE: Push Press strength work building with 5s, 3s, and 1s then a short couplet of Power Cleans and Pull Ups.

WED: Weightlifting Day with an EMOM of Hang Snatches and Snatches then a finisher of DB Box Step Ups.

THUR: Gymnastics and conditioning work starting with Strict Handstand Push Ups then an EMOM with Double Unders, Handstand Walks, V-Ups, and Rowing.

FRI: Front Squat triples then a nice triplet of Runs, DB Thrusters, and Lateral Burpees that will get you fitter.

SAT: Partner WOD! Gymnastics and barbell work coming at you. 😃

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