Week Preview for 8/31/20

🔷 New month starts Tuesday!  What habit can you dial in this month?  Hopefully you picked something in August to improve and have dialed in that new habit.  Take a minute and think about what is lacking most in the 23 hours outside of the gym.  Is it sleep, food choices, water intake, flexibility/mobility, or maybe consistency getting in your workouts??

Pick a small habit to change such as bringing your lunch instead of eating out, going to bed 30 minutes earlier, or drinking more water in the morning instead of all coffee.

It is difficult to change everything at once so start with one habit until it’s your new normal then move on to the next!

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Dumbbell thrusters are better with a group. Go A-Rod!



Testing Squat Endurance to start.  If you’ve tested out of the Tabata Air Squat you’ll move onto the Split Squat test, and finally into the 20RM Back Squat.  Just a reminder that you must pass one test before moving to the next!  Workout has Single-Arm Dumbbell work with Hang Clean & Jerks, Hang Snatches, as well as Strict Pull Ups and 200m Runs.



Working sets of 5 on Shoulder Press then moving into a sprint feeling interval workout with Deadlifts and Lateral Burpees over the Bar.  You must keep form but push the pace as able. 



Hitting some Hang Clean doubles for technique work then a descending ladder couplet of light Hang Squat Cleans and Toes-to-Bar.



Long EMOM of Double Unders, Ring Rows, Box Jump Overs, and Russian Kettlebell Swings.  Moving and sweating after the last few days. 



Overhead or Front Squat strength work then doing a Tabata style workout with Strict Ring Dips, Cal Row, Ab Mat Situps, and Shuttle Runs.



Partner workout with 400m Runs, Power Snatches, Thrusters, and Clean & Jerks in a chipper style!

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