Why On-Ramp?

Why do we have an On-Ramp program at CrossFit BR?

Have you ever been in a room with a bunch of people who seemed to know what was going on but you were completely lost?  That’s kind of what happens for some when they try jumping straight into Group CrossFit Classes.

Over the years, we’ve found that starting off our new clients with 1-on-1 personal training has created much more success in the long-term for those clients.  By going through an “On-Ramp” with your personal coach you have time to learn many different movements and ask tons of questions.  The goal is to get you familiar with movements and how workouts feel so that when you join group you’ll have a foundation of knowledge and movement practice so we can continue coaching you in that group setting.

It’s also nice for our current clients in classes because now we can spend time coaching everyone equally.  Long-term clients and new clients will always receive coaching in our classes.

Another benefit of our On-Ramp program is through the 1-on-1 sessions we find your first Overall Level of fitness using the Level Method system.  This is one of the ways we track your progress.  By achieving your first overall level you’ll also know which programming level is appropriate for you each day when you arrive for classes.  We split out our programming into 3 levels daily so no matter whether you are beginner, intermediate, or advanced you’ll get the best workout appropriate for you that day.

Ready to start your On-Ramp or have questions?  Click below to book a No-Sweat Intro so we can learn more about you and discuss how we can help you reach your current goals.

Book your No-Sweat Intro!


Ashton Level Up

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