Week Preview for 10/12/20

🔷 This Friday is Week 1 of “Fall Brawl” which will be our new in-house competition-style event.  Fall Brawl will be very similar to the Open and Friday Night Lights since that is moved back to the beginning of the year.  All updates and videos for the workouts will be uploaded in our private Facebook group so if you are not in there let us know so we can get you added!


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It’s all smiles once the workout is done!



Deadlift strength work building sets of 5 then an AMRAP of Dumbbell Step Ups, Ab Mat Situps, and Double Unders.



Gymnastics work on Strict Handstand Push Ups and Pull Ups then a triplet of Air Squats, Push Ups, and 200m Runs.



Barbell fun with a complex of Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk then a fast-paced couplet of Power Cleans and Box Jump Overs.



Find a cruise pace for this couplet of 500m Rows, Russian KB Swings, and Burpees.  Little sweat before the fun on Friday.



First night of Fall Brawl!  We’re hitting “Funky Fran” and a Front Squat max of 1RM, 3RM, or 5RM.



Partner WOD to shake out the intensity of Friday.  Alternating rounds of Single-Arm Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans, Push Ups, and 200m Runs. 

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