Week Preview for 10/9/23

🔷 Continuing the “wave loading” this week so be sure to check out your loads from last week to add a little going forward.

🔷 Please do not use grips on taped rig spots. They are tearing up those spots too quickly. Build up grip strength so you won’t need all that!

🔷 Reminder: if you play “dangerous sports” outside the gym and get an injury, we can adjust movements to give you a workout! Check out Peter in this week’s pic biking with a boot on through an ankle injury.

Peter biking in boot
Peter on the bike in a boot. Keep the consistency and we’ll adjust for everyone as needed!


Strength: Bench Press
Workout: Double Unders, Wall Balls, and high Box Jumps

Skill: Bar Muscle Up or other gymnastic pulling option
Workout: Rowing (or other cardio) for a buy-in and buy-out with KB Hang Cleans and Bar Muscle Ups in the middle

Strength: Overhead Squats or Front Squats
Workout: Quick sprint with OHS/FS and a cardio choice

Workout: Longer intervals of 400m Runs, Box Step Overs, Situps, and Rope Climbs

Strength: Power Clean
Workout: EMOM of Deadlifts, Power Cleans, and Front Squats with loads increasing

Workout of the Week: “Beast of Burden” Suitcase Carry, Goblet Lunges, and Chest to Bar Pull Ups. Solo or Partner options available.

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