Week Preview for 3/18/24

🔷 The 2024 Open is complete! Be sure to log your final score in the Games site if you registered.

🔷 With the end of the Open, we can now get back to regular programming! Let’s get to work and start planning your next fitness goals.

Kacey thruster 24.3
Yay thrusters! Kacey here putting in the work on Open WOD 24.3


Strength: Shoulder Press
Workout: Rope Climbs (or K2E), Back Rack Lunges, Dumbbell Snatches, and Up-Downs

Strength: Tempo Front Squat
Workout: Descending ladder of Strict Pull Ups and Hang Squat Cleans

Strength: Bench Press
Workout: Interval work with 200m Runs, Box Jump Overs, and Rowing

Workout: Longer and Grippy one with Cal Rows, Toes-to-Bar, Deadlifts, and Dumbbell Farmer Carries

Workout: Partition in any order, Strict Handstand Push Ups, Situps, and Double Unders
Post-WOD: Core work accumulating 2:00 each of a Plank and Wall Sit

Strength: Hang Power Clean
Workout: Hang Power Clean (heavy), Bar Muscle Up (or other pulling), and 100m Runs

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